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From original watercolours by Anne Wright

Another hobby of mine is painting botanical watercolours. I was very fortunate to be introduced to a wonderful teacher and mentor, Colin Swinton, who taught me a skill I had envied for many years. Starting to learn in 2000, I averaged very few paintings per year as I loved fine details, and haven't painted for a few years now, so my total output is fairly small! My favourite substrate is vellum, and you may notice even in the reproduced images below how vibrant the colours are when painted on this ancient medium.

The cards offered below are exclusive to Dryad - you won't find these anywhere else. They have been beautifully printed by Dandy Arthouse on quality card. My thanks go to them for the quality of the printing and excellent service. I hope to be able to also offer prints shortly. Please contact me if you are interested in prints.

PRICE per card £3-00, or 5 cards for £14, or 10 cards for £27

The cards are high quality, folded, blank inside and come with an envelope and cellophane sleeve.

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1    Narcissus graellsii

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

2   Narcissus obesus

Square 143 x 143 mm

3   Narcissus romieuxii

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


5   Fritillaria michailovskyi

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

Fritillaria pyrenaica.jpg
Fritillaria meleagris.jpg

4    Fritillaria meleagris

Square 143 x 143 mm

Fritillaria caucasica.jpg

6   Fritillaria caucasica

Square 143 x 143 mm

7   Fritillaria meleagris

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

8    Fritillaria pyrenaica

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

9   Fritillaria pinardii

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


Tulip 'Mabel' breeder and broken.jpg
Tulip 'Lord Stanley' breeder and broken.jpg
Tulip 'Wendy Akers' breeder and broken.jpg

10 Tulip 'Mabel' 

breeder and broken

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

11 Tulip 'Lord Stanley' 

breeder and broken

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

12  Tulip 'Wendy Akers'

breeder and broken

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

13   Tulipa humilis var. pulchella Albocaerulea Oculata

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

14 Old English Tulip

breeder and broken

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


Matteuccia struthiopteris.jpg

15   Matteuccia struthiopteris

Square 143 x 143 mm

17    Dryopteris cycadina

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


16   Polypodiums

Square 143 x 143 mm

Polystichum setiferum 'Perserratum'.jpg

18   Polystichum setiferum 'Perserratum'

Square 143 x 143 mm


19   Crocus imperati

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

21   Crocus 'Warley'

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

20   Crocus baytopiorum

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

Crocus minimus.jpg

22   Crocus minimus

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


Blackberry leaf Rubus fruticosus.jpg

23   Bramble

from a watercolour on vellum

Square 143 x 143 mm

Field Maple leaf Acer campestre.jpg

24   Field Maple

from a watercolour on vellum

Square 143 x 143 mm

Goat Willow leaf Salix caprea.jpg

25  Goat Willow

from a watercolour on vellum

Square 143 x 143 mm

Witch Hazel leaf Hamamelis sp.jpg

26   Witch Hazel

from a watercolour on vellum

Square 143 x 143 mm


Oak Galls.jpg

27  Oak Galls

Square 143 x 143 mm

28    Fly Agaric

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

29    Paeony seedpod

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


30    Conkers

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


31  Narcissus 'Lucifer'

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm

 Key on reverse

Snowdrop posy.jpg

33    Snowdrops

Rectangular 125 x 180 mm


32   Beetles

from a watercolour on vellum

Square 143 x 143 mm

34   Hepaticas

from a watercolour on vellum

Square 143 x 143 mm

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